Underwater cable map
Screenshot of the http://submarinecablemap.com map

NetSquared hangout on Net Neutrality!

I had a great opportunity to join a Google Hangouts to discuss possible implications of the loss of Net Neutrality and how it can affect Swaziland and other developing nations.


I want to offer a big Thank You to NetSquared Northern Michigan for inviting me.  This was my first Google Hangout, and a great crash-course for me as SCS moves our meetings to a hybrid of the Hangouts platform and live meetings.

This really is a topic where I feel conflicted between my passion for the open and neutral Internet, and the possibility that people of the Swaziland Computer Society could have an opportunity to develop local alternatives to US-Based offerings.  I mentioned http://www.submarinecablemap.com/ during my turn on the panel.  Go check it out… pretty interesting site about where the underwater cables lay.

Underwater cable map
Screenshot of the http://submarinecablemap.com map

If you are in the US please make sure you add your comments to the FCC comments request page http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/upload/begin?procName=14-28&filedFrom=X

And don’t be afraid to call them at 1-888-225-5322.  There are over 100,000 comments on their page, but filling their phones will contribute to helping them protect the free and open Internet.

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