The search for medical and hospital related software

I have recently started helping the teaching staff at the Good Shepherd College of Nursing in Swaziland. The college recently received 30 new computers, furniture, and a portable classroom through a grant from PEPFAR. These computers are the first time the college will be able to provide any level of computer education for the nurses.

My first goal is to adjust the basic curriculum the nurses will be using for their classes. Most of this revolves around basic computer education.

My second goal is to train the nurses on software that is useful and applicable for someone working in health care. This is why I’m emailing all of you. Since I have no experience working in a hospital or clinical setting, I am seeking ideas on what software or applications of software would be recommended. Since this is Swaziland there is no money to purchase software, but that shouldn’t stop you from telling me something that I should look for.

If you have any experience with health related software, from billing software all the way through x-ray related applications, please let me know the name of the programs. And any ideas on what I can do to find trial versions, free version, old versions will be very appreciated.

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