How amazing the United States are!

I have had a multitude of conversations about the best parts and worst parts of my vacation home. The answers I give depend on many factors ranging from my target audience to whether I’ve had more than one cup of coffee. One consistent element of my conversations goes similar as follows:

America is amazing!

There are so many wonderful aspects to my home country that it would take too much of my precious time here to list in detail why this place must certainly be the best country on earth in which to live. I am typing this post with my computer attached to a 50 inch TV mounted to the wall. I am concurrently surfing the internet streaming video and relaxing in a microfiber couch. I am sipping my regional beer from Four Peaks brewery. I am cooling myself under a circular fan and listening on modest speakers to music I downloaded over the weekend. I am free. This is amazing!

Not every citizen of the world gets to enjoy a fraction of the luxury I am absorbing through every one of my senses. I have experienced significant periods of times without any of the amenities I am now joyously taking in. There are places in the world without electricity, water, shelter, orĀ  food. I have seen people physically work harder than many people I know ever will in there entire lifetime. I have seen suffering on a scale that only makes me want to saturate my consciousness in an attempt to forget.

I am exhausted by the challenges that Peace Corps service has brought into my life, yet I feel more invigorated now to accomplish my goals than any previous time in my service. This period of reflection and appreciation of what a good life can be has reaffirmed my commitment to bring the best of America and a fortunate lifestyle to anyone I can help. We are not all blessed, and we are not all free. I must always remember how fantastic the world is, and I must carry on spreading hope and optimism to everyone I meet. I must continue to use my powers for good.


Ask yourself this question:

In this world and this lifetime, are you using your powers for good?

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