Category: Workspace ONE

Workspace ONE formerly known as AirWatch. Still known as the best endpoint management tool I have ever had the opportunity to work with. Why on earth anyone uses anything else is beyond me.

Create a custom Attribute for Windows devices managed by Workspace ONE

Follow the instructions here to add an .XML file:

Add ALL of the values you want populated to the same .XML file
No real reason to push additional custom XML profiles
Then publish here:

And enable as Custom Attribute

VMworld 2021

I am floored that I will be presenting an on-demand session at VMworld 2021. This is an incredible honor and I am very encouraged that I having something to offer the wider mobility world.


Device as a Service – Taking Modern Management Beyond Windows [EUS1928]

Managing Device-as-a-Service requires approaching the WS1 console OG design with an eye towards maximizing automation and leveraging the API as much as possible. This presentation will explore lessons-learned when designing Workspace ONE from a notable Device-as-a-Service deployment. Successfully deploying 600,000 iOS devices and 100,000 Windows laptops using Modern Management approaches was enabled through up-front time working with VMware PSO, the customer, and maximizing available automations. An introduction to Device-as-a-Service will be provide by Jack Nichols, the Chief Technology Officer of CDWG.

Brian Deyo, Senior Consultant, VMware

Topic: Embrace Unified Endpoint Management
Track : End User Services
Primary Product: VMware Workspace ONE
Primary Audience: Platform/System Architect
Session Type: Breakout Session
Level: Technical 200
Pass Type: General and Tech+ Passes

AirWatch REST API Script : change Self-Service Portal role for users

Here’s several scripts that may be very helpful for anyone that needs to change the self-service portal role for their users in AirWatch. AirWatch is becoming more robust and mature with every new release, but they still have a long way to go towards overall usability for administrators.


### AirWatch API Connection
### Template from
### 2015-11-15 Brian Deyo

write-output ” __ ___ __ ”
write-output ” /\ | |__) | | /\ | / “ |__| ”
write-output ” /~~\ | | \ |/\| /~~\ | \__, | | ”
write-output ” ”


###Insert AirWatch API Key here
###Consider it best practice to create an API Key for every account that needs API access. Easier to manage access that way.
$APIKEY = “blahblahblahAPIKey”

###Insert AirWatch Application Server URL
###The Server is the “Application Server” component of the AirWatch environment.
$AWHost = “”

###Pop up to get username and password, and then encodes U & P to string
$Credential = Get-Credential
$EncodedUsernamePassword = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($(‘{0}:{1}’ -f $Credential.UserName,$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)))

###Define Headers to send with each API access
###Switch Basic to Directory if using AD integrated account
$Headers = @{‘Authorization’ = “Basic $($EncodedUsernamePassword)”;’aw-tenant-code’ = “$APIKey”;’Content-type’ = ‘application/json’}

###Define output folder for Rest Logs when the out-file cmdlet is used
$RestLogPath = “\\fileshare\log\location”


# List devices for a specific user
#write-output “Type User’s email address”
#$UserEmail = Read-Host
#Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://$AWHost/mdm/devices/search?user=$UserEmail -Headers $Headers

# Set Enrollment User’s SSP Access
# Define the JSON in the $body variable. Then the Invoke-RestMethod converts to JSON on the fly
#$Role = “SSP ROLE NAME”
#$user = “userID”
#$body = @{
# Role = $Role
# }
#Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri https://$AWHost/system/users/$user/update -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body) -Headers $Headers

# Get Enrollment User Details
#$user = Read-Host
#$Filename = “UserDetails.txt”
#Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://$AWHost/system/users/$user -Headers $Headers | Out-File -Append $RestLogPath$Filename

# Change a single Users SSP Role

#$User = Read-Host
#$NewRole = “SSP ROLE NAME”
#$body = @{
# Role = $NewRole
# }
#Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri https://$AWHost/system/users/$User/update -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body) -Headers $Headers

# Search for All Users that have specific role and change it
#$CurrentRole = “SSP ROLE NAME”
#$Filename = “SSP ROLE NAME.txt”
#$UserList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://$AWHost/system/users/search?role=$CurrentRole -Headers $Headers
#$list = $UserList.Users.Id
###Save output of every UserID getting changed
#$list.value | Out-File $RestLogPath$Filename
### Loop to change all the roles from the dumped list
#$NewRole = “SSP ROLE NAME”
#foreach ($User in $list)
# $UserToUpdate = $User.value
# $body = @
# {
# Role = $NewRole
# }
# Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri https://$AWHost/system/users/$UserToUpdate/update -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body) -Headers $Headers

# List Number of Users in Each Role
#$RolesToCheck = @(“Basic Access”,”External Access”,”Full Access”)
#Foreach ($Role in $RolesToCheck)
# $Filename = “$Role – TOTALS.txt”
# $UserList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://$AWHost/system/users/search?role=$Role -Headers $Headers
# $list = $UserList.Users.Id
# ###Save output of every UserID getting changed
# $UserList | Tee-Object $RestLogPath$Filename