More postings than the Pony Express and Calvary combined

I would like to think I have enough time in the world to tackle all of my technology desires in my lifetime.  I can see so much potential if technology is applied well.  I also unfortunately have the burgeoning desire to be free of all the techno stress that comes with working directly in IT.  I can’t even begin to describe to someone how liberating this period of a few days away from IT has actually been.  I’m still enthralled to many extents by the wonders of science and technology, but I can’t help but feel relief as I am busy uninstalling applications from my computer.  I have built up an army of applications for work purposes, and that majority is turning out to do little for my non-work computer interests.

Say goodbye to my Cisco VPN client, and say hello to BitLocker.  Say goodbye to Exchange and say hello to Windows Live Mail.  I haven’t been a user of information technology in close to a decade.  All my adventures in advanced IT has gotten my this far, so I can’t discount my appreciation much.  I am thankful for a new page turning in my life.  There really is as much stress working on huge projects with deadlines as portrayed on TV and in the movies.  I am suddenly free of the mantle of IT administrator, and I am no longer expected to develop technical solutions to technical problems.  I am free to mount an offense to suffering in the world and try desperately to do my part in making the world a better place.

It’s an exciting time for myself, and I’m sure for Krista as well.  Thanks for everyone for being so supportive and patient over the last several years.  I feel relieved and loved for having so many incredibly positive and encouraging people in my life.  Thanks!!

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