Letting go of the small stuff

I’m finding solace in menial tasks of microscopic importance.  It’s important to follow how much money I have, but is it necessarily important enough for me to have an excel spreadsheet tallying my purchases and receipts.  Do I really need to spend the time doing the absurd task of copying over strictly the files I need?  The first answer in my mind says “yes, of course it is important.”  I only need to take a deep breath to remember that what is important has more to do with seeing people and being open to happiness. 

Right now that deep breath seems inaccessible at times, and I am relieved when I relax enough to enjoy myself.  I’m thankful for all the time I have been able to spend with people, and I’m glad that I get to spend more of it.  With a little less than 96 hours to go, time is short and I’m taking as many deep breaths as possible. 

The experience really is akin to riding a roller coaster.    On May 11th the roller coaster left the platform, and it has been slowly inching its way up a hill so steep that we can only glimpse what lay on the other side.  With butterflies in the stomach and a health dose of nervous anticipation we are about to crest that hill.  Hands in the air screaming WHEEEE!!!! all the way down.

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